Hair Expo - Melbourne 2016
Cherrilee, Tricia, Leah and Milena all attended Hair Expo in June this year to continue to keep abreast of everything happening in both the Mens and Ladies hairdressing field. The Mens looks are a balance between the strong Barber styling with facial hair abound. However, for those men who want a more corporate look, they can still look spunky with an updated vision.
Ladies hair had lots of contrast colour, no doubt you have seen pink, ash and lilac colours being worn as an everyday look. Long hair with waves or a tussled look is very much in vogue as is short hair being worn with a softer edge.
We all had a ball, can't wait to share some these new ideas with you!

The photo of Milena and Leah with models was taken after the Intercoiffure presentation at Hair Expo. Leah has been a senior presenter at Intercoiffure Congresses on many occasions and Milena for the first time this year.

The photo of Leah and Milena with the costume people is outside the OZ Comic Con convention held in the pavilion right next door to Hair Expo. We saw Darth Vadar, Thor. Captain America, Snow White etc, etc. If you think hairdressers are creative and a little crazy, try being at the OZ Comic Con event.